Partners of the EU project TAILOR are listed below. Partners, as opposed to members, are contractually bound to the EU by accessing the General Agreement. Members, on the other hand, are leading European research labs who like to participate to the TAILOR network activities. Any European organisation/research group with an interest in AI can become a member of the TAILOR network.
No | Short name | Organisation | Country | Lead scientist |
1 | LiU | Linköping University | Sweden | Fredrik Heintz |
2 | CNR | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Italy | Umberto Straccia |
3 | INRIA | Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique | France | Marc Schoenauer |
4 | UCC | University College Cork | Ireland | Barry O’Sullivan |
5 | KUL | KU Leuven | Belgium | Luc De Raedt |
6 | UOR | La Sapienza | Italy | Maurizio Lenzerini |
7 | LEU | Leiden University | Netherlands | Holger Hoos |
8 | IST-UL | University of Lisbon | Portugal | Ana Paiva |
9 | UPF | AI and Machine Learning Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Anders Jonsson |
10 | UNIBO | Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna (UNIBO) | Italy | Michela Milano |
11 | BIU | Bar-Ilan University | Israel | Sarit Kraus |
12 | TUE | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Joaquin Vanschoren |
13 | CNRS-IRIT | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | France | Andreas Herzig |
14 | JSI | Jožef Stefan Institute | Slovenia | Sašo Džeroski |
15 | TUDA | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Kristian Kersting |
16 | UNIBRIS | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | Peter Flach |
17 | ALU-FR | University of Freiburg | Germany | Frank Hutter |
18 | UOX | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Ani Calinescu |
19 | UNITN | University of Trento | Italy | Andrea Passerini |
20 | VUB | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Ann Nowe |
21 | CUNI | Charles University | Czech Republic | Roman Barták |
22 | CEA | Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives | France | MRAIDHA Chokri |
23 | CRIL | Université d’Artois | France | Pierre Marquis |
24 | CVUT | Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics | Czech Republic | Josef Urban |
25 | TUD | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Neil Yorke-Smith |
26 | DFKI | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Philipp Slusallek |
27 | EPFL | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Switzerland | Boi Faltings |
28 | FBK | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Paolo Traverso |
29 | FhG | Fraunhofer IAIS | Germany | Mehdi Ali |
30 | TU Graz | Graz University of Technology | Austria | Horst Bischof |
31 | IIIA-CSIC | Institut d’Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | Spain | Carles Sierra |
32 | LIRA | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Hossein Rahmani |
33 | UOA | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece | Dimitrios Gunopulos |
34 | NEO-UMA | NEO: Networking and Emerging Optimisation | Spain | Francic Chicano |
35 | PUT | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Krzysztof Krawiec |
36 | RWTH | RWTH Aachen Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Gerhard Lakemeyer |
37 | CINI | Siena Artificial Intelligence Lab, University of Siena | Italy | Marco Gori |
38 | slovak.AI | Slovak research center for artificial intelligence | Slovakia | Maria Bielikova |
39 | TNO | Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research | Netherlands | Wico Mulder |
40 | UniPI | Università di Pisa | Italy | Davide Bacciu |
41 | UGA | Université Grenoble Alpes | France | Marie-Christine Rousset |
42 | UNIBAS | University of Basel, AI Research Group | Switzerland | Malte Helmert |
43 | UPV | Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Vicent Botti |
44 | VW | Volkswagen Group Machine Research Lab | Germany | Patrick van der Smagt |
45 | ENG | Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica SPA | Italy | Roberto Di Bernardo |
46 | Tieto | Tieto Finland Oy | Finland | Iftikhar Ahmad |
47 | Philips | Philips Electronic Nederland B.V. | Netherlands | Zhaorui Yuan |
48 | EDF | Electricite de France | France | Alzennyr Gomes da Silva |
50 | ICL | Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine | United Kingdom | Stephen H Muggleton |
51 | ZF | ZF Friedrichshafen AG | Germany | Georg Schneider |
52 | LIH | Luxembourg Institute of Health | Luxembourg | Jasmin Schulz |
53 | CBS | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek | Netherlands | Barteld Braaksma |
54 | Bosch | Bosch | Germany | Stefan Falkner |
55 | ABB | ABB AB | Sweden | Alf Isaksson |