Developing the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI through the integration of learning, optimisation and reasoning

What is Trustworthy AI?

According the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI by High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (Trustworthy AI) has three components, which should be met throughout the system’s entire life cycle. Indeed, it should be lawful, complying with all applicable laws and regulations; ethical, ensuring adherence to ethical principles and values; robust, both from a technical and social perspective since, even with good intentions, AI systems can cause unintentional harm.

The TAILOR Handbook

The Handbook of Trustworthy AI provides an overview of the main dimensions of trustworthiness and problems related to the developing of ethical and trustworthy AI systems. It is intended for non-experts, researchers and students.

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What is the TAILOR network?

A European AI Network of Excellence Centres

TAILOR is an EU project with the aim build the capacity to provide the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI in Europe. TAILOR develops a network of research excellence centres, leveraging and combining learning, optimisation, and reasoning (LOR) with the key concepts of Trustworthy AI (TAI). These systems are meant to provide descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive systems integrating data-driven and knowledge-based approaches.

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