
On this webpage, you can find the list of TAILOR Deliverable reports.

We aim to make them available as soon as they have been completed and submitted to the EC. Please be aware that the contents are provided as is and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information fits any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and liability. 

A few of the deliverables are confidential and will not be made available at any time, such as the Risk Assessment Plan and the Ethics deliverables of WP13.

If you are part of the TAILOR project and wonder when to deliver your report, please contact the Project Office ( to avoid misunderstandings.

Recommended deliverables

This is a list of the most relevant deliverables produced within the TAILOR project. Each deliverable is the responsibility of a single partner, reflecting their unique contributions.
However, the results are the culmination of a collaborative effort among scientists across the network. These deliverables showcase the dedication of TAILOR scientists in advancing the understanding of Trustworthy AI and achieving the project’s goals by integrating various AI paradigms, such as Learning, Optimization, and Reasoning.
This collective endeavour highlights that the success of the project was made possible through the synergy and cooperation among European labs, which united brilliant minds to shape the future of AI.

  • D2.5 – SRIR v.2
  • D2.6 – Foundational benchmarks and challenges v.2
  • D2.8 – Joint SRA, v.2
  • D3.4 – Handbook on Trustworthy AI v.2
  • D3.6 – Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap concerning Trustworthy AI v.2 
  • D4.2 – Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools for integrating learning, reasoning and optimisation v.2
  • D4.4 – Integrated learning, reasoning and optimisation in practice v.2
  • D4.6 – Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap concerning learning, reasoning and optimisation v.2 
  • D5.4 – Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap concerning autonomous acting in AI systems v.2
  • D6.2 – Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools for social AI v.2
  • D6.4 – Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap for Social AI v.2
  • D7.4 – Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap: the AutoAI Roadmap v.2
IDDeliverable titleLeadDelivery
D 1.1Project quality plan (download pdf) P 1 – LIUM03
D 10.1Connectivity Fund operational (download pdf) P 12 – TU/eM03
D 13.1H – Requirement No. 1 (Confidential)P 1 – LIUM03
D 12.1Project website and Trustworthy AI repository (download pdf) P 1 – LIUM04
D 1.6Data Management Plan (download pdf) P 1 – LIUM06
D 2.2Codalab TAILOR templates (download pdf) P 3 – INRIAM06
D 10.2Connectivity Fund call 1 (download pdf)P 12 – TU/eM06
D 12.2Communication material v.1 (download pdf)P 10 – UNIBOM06
D 12.4Dissemination Plan, v.1 (download pdf)P 10 – UNIBOM06
D 13.2H – Requirement No. 2 (Confidential)P 1 – LIUM06
D 13.3POPD – Requirement No. 3 (Confidential)P 1 – LIUM06
D 9.7Summer School, first edition (download pdf)P 10 – UNIBOM08
D 9.5Mapping of AI-oriented PhD programmes at TAILOR partners (download pdf)P 16 – UNIVBRISM09
D 10.3Connectivity Fund call 2 (download pdf)P 12 – TU/eM10
D 1.2Risk Assessment Plan (Confidential)P 1 – LIUM12
D 1.3First TAILOR Conference (download pdf)P 1 – LIUM12
D 2.1SRIR v.1 (download pdf)P 3 – INRIAM12
D 2.3Foundational benchmarks and challenges v.1 (download pdf)P 3 – INRIAM12
D 7.5AutoAI Benchmarks v.1 (download pdf)P 7 – ULEIM12
D 9.3Training platform, beta (download pdf) (download extended version)P 16 – UNIVBRISM12
D 13.4M – Requirement No. 4 (Confidential)P 1 – LIUM12
D 10.4Connectivity Fund call 3 (download pdf)P 12 – TU/eM14
D 3.1Research Challenges and Technological Gaps of Trustworthy AI v.1 (download pdf)P 2 – CNRM18
D 3.3Handbook on Trustworthy AI v.1 (download pdf)P 2 – CNRM18
D 4.1Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools for integrating learning, reasoning and optimisation v.1 (download pdf)P 5 – KU LeuvenM18
D 4.3Integrated learning, reasoning and optimisation in practice v.1 (download pdf)P 5 – KU LeuvenM18
D 5.1Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools for allowing autonomous AI agents to decide and learn how to act v.1 (download pdf)P 6 – UNIROMA1M18
D 11.1Progress Report on the Integration of TAILOR Assets with AI4EU v.1 (download pdf)P 4 – UCCM18
D 11.3Progress Report on the Integration of OpenML with AI4EU v.1 (download pdf)P 12 – TU/eM18
D 11.5Progress Report on SRIR Development in Collaboration with the ICT-48 CSA, PPP-AI, and AI4EU v.1 (download pdf)P 10 – UNIBOM18
D 9.8Summer School, second edition (download pdf)P 31 – CSICM20
D 6.1Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools to for social AI v.1 (download pdf)P 8 – ISTM22
D 7.1Automated AI v.1 (download pdf)P 7 – ULEIM24
D 7.6AutoAI Benchmarks v.2 (download pdf)P 7 – ULEIM24
D 9.1AI-driven collaboration tools v.1 (download pdf)P 16 – UNIVBRISM24
D 9.6PhD program, proposal for joint TAILOR PhD curriculum (download D9.6)P 16 – UNIVBRISM24
D 10.5Connectivity Fund call 4 (download D10.5)P 12 – TU/eM24
D 1.4 Second TAILOR Conference (download D1.4)P 1 – LIUM24
D 12.5Dissemination plan, final version (download pdf)P 10 – UNIBOM28
D 12.3Communication material (flyer, poster, video, etc.) v.2 (download pdf)P 10 – UNIBOM30
D 2.7Joint SRA, v.1 (download pdf)P 1 – LiUM34
D 10.6Connectivity Fund call 5 (download pdf)P 12 – TU/eM35
D 1.5Third TAILOR Conference (download pdf)P 1 – LiUM36
D 8.1Report on Theme Development Workshops (download pdf)P 26 – DFKIM36
D 9.9Summer School, third edition (download pdf)P 32 – LUM36
D 3.6Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap concerning Trustworthy AI v.2 (download pdf)P 2 – CNRM40
D 4.6Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap concerning learning, reasoning and optimisation v.2 (download pdf)P 5 – KU LeuvenM40
D 5.4Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap concerning autonomous acting in AI systems v.2 (download pdf)P 6 – UNIROMA1M40
D 6.4Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap for Social AI v.2 (download pdf)P 8 – ISTM40
D 7.4Synergies Industry, Challenges, Roadmap: the AutoAI Roadmap v.2 (download pdf)P 7 – ULEIM40
D 11.6Progress Report on SRIR Development in Collaboration with the ICT-48 CSA, PPP-AI, and AI4EU, v.2 (download pdf)P 10 – UNIBOM40
D 5.2Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools for allowing autonomous AI agents to decide and learn how to act v.2 (download pdf)P 6 – UNIROMA1M42
D 4.4Integrated learning, reasoning and optimisation in practice v.2 (download pdf)P 5 – KU LeuvenM44
D 9.2AI-driven collaboration tools v.2 (download pdf)P 16 – UNIVBRISM44
D9.10Report on Fourth TAILOR Summer School (download pdf)
D 11.2Progress Report on Integration of TAILOR Assets with AI4EU v.2 (download pdf)P 4 – UCCM44
D 11.4Progress Report on the Integration of OpenML with AI4EU, v.2P 12 – TU/eM44
D 2.4Lessons learned from TAILOR benchmarks/challengesP 3 – INRIAM46
D 2.5SRIR v.2 (download pdf)P 3 – INRIAM46
D 2.6Foundational benchmarks and challenges v.2 (download pdf)P 3 – INRIAM46
D 2.8Joint SRA, v.2 (download pdf)P 1 – LiUM46
D 3.2Research Challenges and Technological Gaps of Trustworthy AI v.2P 2 – CNRM46
D 3.4Handbook on Trustworthy AI v.2 (download pdf)P 2 – CNRM46
D 4.2Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools for integrating learning, reasoning and optimisation v.2 (download pdf)P 5 – KU LeuvenM46
D 6.2Foundations, techniques, algorithms and tools for social AI v.2 (download pdf)P 8 – ISTM46
D 7.2Automated AI v.2 (download pdf)P 7 – ULEIM46
D 7.7AutoAI Benchmarks v.3P 7 – ULEIM46
D 8.2Industry transfer congress and microprojects reportP 26 – DFKIM46
D 8.3Report on industrial innovation programme and industrial outreach (download pdf)P 26 – DFKIM46
D 9.4Training platform, at least 3 MOOCs linked to WP3-7 (download pdf)P 16 – UNIVBRISM46
D 10.7Connectivity Fund, final reportP 12 – TU/eM48