IJCAI 2022 DSO Workshop: Data Science meets Optimisation
TAILOR and AI4EU support the fifth edition of DSO workshop that will be held at Messe Wien, Vienna (Austria) on July 23-29, 2022 in the context of IJCAI-22.
The workshop’s selected topic is the intertwine between Data Science and Optimisation, considered as closely related research domains. Indeed, on the one hand, many problems in data science can be solved using optimizers, on the other hand optimization problems stated through classical models such as those from mathematical programming cannot be considered independent of historical data. The aim of the workshop is to organize an open discussion and exchange of ideas by researchers from data science, constraint optimization and operations research in order to identify how techniques from these fields can benefit each other.
The deadline to submit any contribution is on May 13, 2022 (AOE); notifications of acceptance will be sent by June 3, 2022.
The workshop date will be in the 23-25 July 2022 window. You can know more about aims, topics, and how to submit your application by visiting the event webpage https://sites.google.com/view/ijcai2022dso/home?authuser=0
The workshop co-chairs are:
Tias Guns (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE) <tias.guns@vub.be>
Michele Lombardi (University of Bologna, IT) <michele.lombardi2@unibo.it>
Neil Yorke-Smith (TU Delft, NL) <n.yorke-smith@tudelft.nl>
Yingqian Zhang (TU Eindhoven, NL) <yqzhang@tue.nl>