Machine Learning for Physical Simulations

IRT-SystemX is a public institute for industrial maturation and transfer, with a long collaboration history with TAILOR partner #3 Inria. IRT-SystemX, together with several academic (including Inria TAU) and industrial (including NVIDIA, RTE and Criteo) partners, organized these Data Challenges to promote the use of Machine Learning-based surrogate models to numerically solve physical problems, through several industrial use cases from their members.

ML4PhySim and ML4CFD Data Challenges

The first attempt was submitted to NeurIPS 2023 Competition track. It included three use cases, the airflow around an airfoil, the current circulation in a Power Grid (context similar to that of the L2RPN challenge above), and the rolling of a tire on a flat surface. Unfortunately, this Data Challenge was not accepted as a NeuIPS challenge. We decided to nevertheless run this Data Challenge, but taking into account the reviews received at NeurIPS 2023, whose main criticism was that three use cases were too many, making it hard to contribute for the average user.

This gave birth to the ML4PhySim challenge, which ran between November 2023 and March 2024. And it was so successful (126 registered teams, and 1165 submissions) that a follow-up was proposed, named ML4CFD, that was accepted to NeurIPS 2024 Competition track. The task, the data, and the evaluation functions are the same, than in ML4PhySim except that the baseline for ML4CFD is the winner of the 2023 ML4PhySim, putting the bar rather high. The following of this Section will present the scientific context of both Data Challenges, but only ML4PhySim results will be briefly surveyed (here, and in Deliverable 2.4) because the new ML4CD challenge has not even started yet (kick-off on July 1st).

sage by Exaion and NVIDIA, two of the sponsors. NVidia also offered usage of its Modulus(c) framework to help the participants  in designing augmented physical simulators.



  • Nov. 16, 2023: Competition kick-off, start of Warmup phase
  • Jan. 11, 2024: Start of the Development phase 
  • March 14, 2024: Start of the Final phase 
  • March 31, 2024 End of competition

ML4CFD (a NeurIPS 2024 competition)

  • July 1, 2024: Competition kick-off, start of Warmup phase
  • August 4, 2024: Start of the Development phase 
  • October 15, 2024: Start of the Final phase 
  • October 31, 2024: End of competition
