15th TAILOR WP7 Seminar

We are pleased to announce the outline of the fifthteenth event in our TAILOR WP7 seminar series.

Please let us know if you plan to participate by entering your name in this:

The seminar will consist of two parts: a scientific and a social part. Below you can find a detailed overview of each part for the ninth seminar on 9 July from 15:30-17:00.


Scientific part: Zoom meeting
Zoom link: https://universiteitleiden.zoom.us/j/69317453723?pwd=aEJEcE03QVFPQmtqUHowUFJuM2Mwdz09

Meeting ID: 693 1745 3723
Passcode: qu5!zD*m

15:30-16:00 Prof. José Francisco Chicano García (Universidad de Malaga): “A Multi-Objective AutoML Approach for Federated Learning”
Abstract: Federated learning is a training paradigm according to which a server-based model is cooperatively trained using local models running on edge devices and ensuring data privacy. These devices exchange information that induces a substantial communication’s load, which jeopardises the functioning efficiency. The difficulty of reducing this overhead stands in achieving this without decreasing the model’s efficiency. Many works investigated the compression of the pre/mid/post-trained models and the communication rounds separately, although they jointly contribute to the communication overload. Our work aims at optimising the hyper-parameters of the federating learning scheme by using a multi-objective formulation where both, the accuracy and the communication overhead are simultaneously optimised.

16:00-16:30 — Round table updates by all WP7 participants (one speaker per group)
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GpvJ-lfmwMoaDKbRf9yYeBLnug1-IHRIrB_b1drsjMY/edit#slide=id.p

Overview highlighting ongoing and planned work focusing on the following:

  • Collaboration between different tasks;
  • Collaboration with other work packages;
  • New collaborations (with people with whom that group has never worked with before).

Social part: GatherTown



  • Discuss extra material from WP7 participants (e.g., slide, poster, or other material) to be shown in gather town
  • Suggestions for improving the seminar format
  • Informal chats about possible collaborations
  • Brainstorm/discuss ideas and mechanism for making our WP7 more impactful, more efficient and/or more enjoyable
  • Chat about anything else you feel worthwhile!

Best regards,

Annelot, Adem, Holger and Manuel (the TAILOR WP7 Seminar Organising Committee)