AI in society (Session 4:1)

This workshop is one of the parallell sessions of the TAILOR 4th conference, on 4th June at 15:30-17:30. Venue and all practical info is on the conference main page.

Moderators: Miquel Perelló Nieto and Trine Platou.

15:30Examining Per-Class Performance Bias via Robustness DistributionsAnna Münz
15:45Explainable Malware Detection Activity Report of TAILOR WP3.1 Coordinated ActionMartin Homola
16:00Creating trustworthy robotic teammatesFilipa Correia
16:15Towards Human-Centric AI Companions in Healthcare: Integrating Theory of Mind for Efficient and Trustworthy Collaborative Decision-MakingAndra Cristiana Minculescu
16:30Comprehensive and intelligent analysis for precision medicine applied to brain tumorsJose Carlos Sola
16:45ENFIELD: European Lighthouse to Manifest Trustworthy and Green AIPankaj Pandey
17:00The TAILOR Trustworthy AI Handbook and the AI ActFrancesca Pratesi
17:15Discussion and closing session