Auto AI Workshop
The third WP7 workshop will be held on 3 Dec, from 10:00 to 12:00 CET.
To give everyone the opportunity to showcase their work in connection to WP7, part of the workshop will consist of a poster session. Posters should be scientific in content and discuss individual pieces of work, either work in progress or already published, connected to the work of WP7 (Automated AI) with the goal of finding potential connections with the research of other partners. Think of it as something along the lines of a conventional workshop or conference poster, rather than an overview presentation for a project meeting. Previously presented work is also welcome, but in this case we suggest you update the poster to reflect the current project status.
Submit your poster by email to the organiser, by the 1 Dec at the latest. Your email should contain the following information:
- PDF file of the poster
- Title
- List of authors
- Name of the presenter
- A short abstract
- (Optional: Additional links to publications or supplementary material)
Hope to see you there!