Second cross-cutting Theme Development Workshop: Trusted AI – The Future of Creating Ethical & Responsible AI
The project VISION CSA and the EU’s six AI Networks of Excellence (NoEs) TAILOR, AI4Media, ELISE, ELSA, euROBIN, and HumanE-AI-Net, as well as CLAIRE AISBL and ELLIS, are organising a series of joint Theme Development Workshops (TDW) to bring together key players from specific industry sectors with key AI researchers, as well as additional stakeholders. The objectives are to jointly identify the strategic AI research areas and challenges in the scope of the workshop and to initiate further activities to address them beyond the event (e.g., joint working groups, research papers, challenges, hackathons, transfer labs).
After a series of very successful Theme Development Workshops in the two past years, we are delighted to announce the next one “Trusted AI- The future of creating ethical and responsible AI systems”, which will take place via Zoom on the 13th of September 2023. The workshop will be held online via Zoom with a mixed programme of presentations and in-depth discussions about specific sub-topics in smaller groups (Breakout sessions).
You can find all the information about the detailed program and the registration procedure on the VISION’s website: https://www.vision4ai.eu/tdw-trusted-ai/
If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach the organising team via vision_ict48-dfki@dfki.de.