Theme Development Workshop: AI for Future Energy & Sustainability
The projects TAILOR, HumanE AI Net, VISION and CLAIRE AISBL are organising a series of joint Theme Development Workshops (TDW) to bring together key players from specific industry sectors with key AI researchers, as well as additional stakeholders. The objectives are to jointly identify the strategic AI research areas and challenges in the scope of the workshop, and to initiate further activities to address them beyond the event (e.g., joint working groups, research papers, challenges, hackathons, transfer labs).
After a series of five very successful Theme Development Workshops, we are delighted to announce the next one “AI for Future Energy & Sustainability” which will take place online via Zoom on the 23rd of February 2023.
For this workshop, we are looking for strategic thinkers and AI researchers from industry as well as academic institutions and other interested parties in the energy sector. You should be open to discuss and contribute long-term strategic topics and challenges as well as more focused short-to-mid-term activities. We are welcoming participants at all career stages and levels from all over Europe to include multiple and different perspectives.
See the program here:
For any questions or suggestions please contact the organising team at DFKI: tailor_ict48-dfki@dfki.de