Workshop “TAILOR SRIR – 2nd version”
The workshop will be in Vaals (The Netherlands), on April 8-9, 2024. The goal is to converge on a (pre-final) version of the TAILOR SRIR v2.
The first version was published in April 2022 and sketched an extensive landscape of topics related to Trustworthy AI, Learning, Optimizing and Reasoning. The second version will build upon that landscape and will outline the routes that one can take through that landscape (indeed, that’s what a roadmap is about!). We do this by defining generic use cases and identify which elements from the first version and additional elements are absolutely necessary to implement that use case; identifying relations and dependencies. The workshop will analyze these use cases and their related domain-specific roadmaps.
- to test and evaluate the TAILOR SRIR v2 methodology
- to update the content of the SRIR v2 and to decide on a number of open issues
- to analyze the SRIR v2 output and to draw conclusions from the content
- an updated and pre-final version of the TAILOR SRIR v2
- support and consensus on the SRIR content and methodology
- WP leaders / task leaders of the scientific WPs in TAILOR
- members of the organizing committees of the TDWs (preferably at least one per TDW)
- WP2 roadmap team (TNO, UNIBO, INRIA)
- Anyone else interested from the TAILOR consortium
Contact Freek Bomhof (freek.bomhof@tno.nl) and Trine Platou (trine.platou@liu.se) to participate in the workshop.