Industry and Innovation (WP8)
See partner page for details on participating organisations.
Representatives of TAILOR WP8 partners who actively provide important input within WP8:
Silke Balzert-Walter (DFKI, WP-Lead), Kyra Kiefer (DFKI), Paola Baruchelli (FBK), Vicent Botti (VRAIN-UPV), Barteld Braaksma (CBS), Giuseppe Ciulla (ENG), Roberto di Bernado, (ENG), Janina Hoppstädter (DFKI), Alf Isaksson, (ABB), Wico Mulder (TNO), Rubén Saborido Infantes (UMA), Shiva Sander Tavallaey (ABB), Philipp Slusallek, (DFKI, WP-Lead), Sébastien Treguer (INRIA), Zhaorui Yuan (PHILIPS)

About WP8
The objective of WP8 is to develop synergies and cross-fertilization between industry and the TAILOR network of excellence centres to provide the basis for Trustworthy AI in Europe. Industrial participation will be ensured by leveraging our strong connections to many different application domains and big industry networks via our large research partners (DFKI and FhG Germany, INRIA France, FBK Italy, and TNO The Netherlands), as well as our partners from selected multinationals and major companies, representing and providing links to networks in their specific industrial sectors. All selected industry partners have their headquarters in Europe.
Interaction with industry will not be limited to the partners of WP8: in addition we will build up a strong industry community beyond TAILOR funded partners. Therefore, the research institutes, as well as the industry partners, will work as multipliers in their networks, inviting more companies to join through thematic workshops and events. Industrial research teams and other experts will contribute their expertise and help shaping the research priorities and challenges of the network as well as identifying important technical limitations hampering the deployment of Trustworthy AI in an industrial context.
To reach these ambitious objectives, WP8 will work closely together with the other TAILOR WPs via activities and mechanisms supporting innovation, commercialisation and knowledge transfer to industry, and vice versa by enriching the research challenges in WP3-7 with ideas, requirements, and challenges from industry. Furthermore, WP8 will contribute in particular to the Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap in WP2 and the PhD programme in WP9. WP8 will also coordinate with VISION CSA to align these activities and share and jointly improve best practice and common interests across the AI networks.
Theme Development Workshops
The projects TAILOR, HumanE AI Net, VISION and CLAIRE AISBL are organising a series of joint so-called Theme Development Workshops (TDW) to bring together key players from specific industry sectors with key AI researchers, as well as additional stakeholders. The objectives are to jointly identify the strategic AI research areas and challenges in the scope of the workshop, and to initiate further activities to address them beyond the event (e.g., joint working groups, research papers, challenges, hackathons, transfer labs).
News related to WP8
Report from TDW “AI for Future Energy & Sustainability”
The Joint Theme Development Workshop (TDW) co-organised by CLAIRE, TAILOR and VISION on “AI for Future Energy & Sustainability” took place on the 23rd of February 2023 with the aim to develop and identify the most promising and emerging AI topics in the Energy sector. At this one-day workshop, experts from academia, industry and politics jointly developed initial input for…
Invited Keynote about TAILOR network and Trustworthy AI at “Innovate&Talk” by NTT Data
On 31 January 2023, Dr. Silke Balzert-Walter (German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI – coordinator of TAILOR WP8 (Industry, Innovation and Transfer Program) was invited by NTT Data to present TAILOR and WP8-activities in a keynote titled “Trustworthy AI in the European AI Networks of Excellence”. NTT Data is a global industrial company outside the TAILOR project specialised…
Report from Theme Development Workshop “AI for Future Manufacturing”
On the 10th of May 2022, the fourth joint “Theme Development Workshop” (TDW) focused on the latest trends and challenges of “AI for Future Manufacturing”. The discussion hosted close to 80 key experts from 20 European countries, from both academia and the manufacturing sector, as well as other relevant stakeholders. The participants had one primary, but still very challenging…
Report from the theme development workshop “AI for future healthcare”
The third Joint Theme Development Workshop (TDW) co-organised by CLAIRE, TAILOR and VISION1 on “AI for Future Healthcare” took place on the 16th December 2021 with the aim to develop and identify the most promising and emerging AI topics in the healthcaresector. At this one-day workshop, experts from academia, industry and politics jointly developed initial…
Report from 2nd TDW “Future Mobility – Value of Data & Trust in AI”
The second Joint Theme Development Workshop (TDW) co-organised by CLAIRE, HumaneAI Net, TAILOR and VISION on “Future Mobility – Value of Data & Trust in AI” took place on the 28th of October 2021 with the aim to develop and identify the most promising and emerging AI topics in the mobility and transportation sector. At…
Report from TDW “AI topics in the public sector”
“AI in the Public Sector” was the first Tailor Theme Development Workshop (TDW). The report from this workshop provides key findings as well as some initial ideas for follow-up activities and further collaborations. At this two-day workshop, experts from public and governmental institutions, industry and academia jointly developed initial input for the European AI research…