Open Machine Learning workshop

Meelis Kull

Associate Professor at the University of Tartu

he field of Machine Learning continues to grow tremendously and has a significant impact on society. As such, it is important to democratize machine learning, i.e. to make sure that software, datasets, models, and analyses are freely available for easy discovery, verifiability, reproducibility, reuse and meta-analysis. An ecosystem of platforms and tools has emerged to this end, including open platforms such as OpenML and HuggingFace that allow for easy sharing of datasets, models, and experiments, and automated machine learning tools that help people build better models. This inclusive workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and anyone interested in contributing to this goal. It will be organized as a full-week hackathon that includes the developers of these platforms and tools, as well as anyone who wishes to contribute or learn more about them, in order to further democratize machine learning, and make them more interoperable and more useful for machine learning researchers.

More information about Meelis: