Report from the 4th TAILOR Summer School

The 4th TAILOR Summer School on Artificial Intelligence was held in Athens, Greece, from July 15 to 26, 2024. The summer school was held at the same time and had an identical program with the 2nd European Summer School on AI (ESSAI) and the 21st Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI). The Program Chairs of the school were Brian Logan (University of Utrecht) and Magdalena Ortiz (Technical University of Vienna). The Local Chair was Manolis Koubarakis from the TAILOR node National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

The opening ceremony was attended by Mrs. Zoe Rapti, Deputy Minister of Development and responsible for research organizations in Greece who welcomed the participants and presented the achievements and future plans of the Greek Government regarding AI.

The school had two keynote speakers: Kostas Daniilidis from University of Pennsylvania who talked about “Efficient Perception and Learning with Symmetry and Active Sensing” and Katerina Fragkiadaki from Carnegie Mellon who talked about “Perception for Robotics”.

The school also offered 27 courses, each comprising five 90-minute sessions held over the five days of the week. These courses were selected by the ESSAI program committee from 51 submitted course proposals, ensuring coverage of a wide range of topics within Artificial Intelligence. Finally, ACAI featured 15 tutorials, each consisting of a single 90-minute session. The tutorial speakers, selected and invited by the local organizing committee, covered diverse topics within the broader theme of AI, Data Science and Algorithms.

The school attracted 274 student participants and 60 lecturers/tutors. 224 participants were present physically and 50 participants attended online. All presentations, course material and the recorded lectures are publicly available on the website of the school to ensure accessibility to a broader audience.

The support of TAILOR was very critical for the financial viability of ESSAI and ACAI 2024 since it sponsored the registration costs of 104 students. The other sponsors were the Archimedes Unit of the ATHENA Research Center, the Hellenic Society for Artificial Intelligence and the AI Journal. We thank them all very much for their support.

Although the weather in Athens was very hot during the two weeks of the school, the school was a great success and the feedback received from participants was very positive.

ESSAI and ACAI 2025 will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia from July 7 to 11 (one week) and it will be organized by the Slovak University of Technology. We are looking forward to see you all there!