TAILOR delegation to Brussels

On May 30th 2024, representatives of the TAILOR network ( Fredrik Heintz, Roberta Calegari, Luc De Raedt and Trine Platou), made a delegation trip to Brussels to meet European policy stakeholders within the AI and research funding space. The delegation met the DG Research and Innovation, Unit Industry 5.0 & AI in Science, Digital and AI Team, hosted by Daniela Petkova; a team at the Centre for European Policy Studies, headed by Andrea Renda and finally with a team from DG CNECT, led by Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry at the EC, e.g.a team of people from what is now called the AI Office.

In all three meetings, it was emphasised from our side that trustworthy generative AI cannot rely on learning alone, also reasoning is necessary. Furthermore, we underlined that Europe is strong in the knowledge and reasoning research areas and that neurosymbolic AI is a key to trustworthy generative AI. To follow up on these meetings, a position paper focusing on neurosymbolic methods for trustworthy AI is considered.