We are thrilled to announce that some TAILOR scientists will participate in one of the most prestigious conferences in the AI field: The European Conference of Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2023 in Krakow.
ECAI 2023 will feature a full programme of technical papers, as well as many AI-related events of interest for researchers, students and industry professionals. This includes workshops and tutorials, as well as sister conferences for starting researchers (STAIRS), and prestigious applications of AI (PAIS). The conference is supported by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society (PSSI).
Here below is the list of accepted papers, workshops and tutorials provided by TAILOR scientists.
- Authors: Federico Sabbatini; Roberta Calegari
Title: Symbolic Knowledge-Extraction Evaluation Metric: The FiRe Score. - Authors: Giuseppe De Giacomo ; Gianmarco Parretti ; Shufang Zhu
Title: LTLf Best-Effort Synthesis in Nondeterministic Planning Domains - Authors: Luigi Bonassi ; Giuseppe De Giacomo ; Marco Favorito ; Francesco Fuggitti ; Alfonso Gerevini ; Enrico Scala
Title: FOND Planning for Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic Goals - Authors: Jonathan Shaki ; Sarit Kraus ; Michael Wooldridge
Title: Cognitive effects in large language models - Authors: Alessandro Abate ; Yousif Almulla ; James Fox ; David Hyland ; Michael Wooldridge
Title: Learning Task Automata for Reinforcement Learning Using Hidden Markov Models - Authors: Resmi Ramachandranpillai, Md Fahim Sikder, Fredrik Heintz
Title: Fair Latent Deep Generative Models (FLDGM) for Syntax-agnostic and Fair Synthetic Data Generation - Authors: Thorsten Klößner ; Jendrik Seipp ; Marcel Steinmetz
Title: Cartesian Abstractions and Saturated Cost Partitioning in Probabilistic Planning - Author: Simon Ståhlberg
Title: Lifted Successor Generation by Maximum Clique Enumeration - Authors: Remo Christen ; Salome Eriksson ; Michael Katz ; Christian Muise ; Alice Petrov ; Florian Pommerening ; Jendrik Seipp ; Silvan Sievers ; David Speck
Title: PARIS: Planning Algorithms for Reconfiguring Independent Sets - Authors: Paul Höft ; David Speck ; Jendrik Seipp
Title: Sensitivity Analysis for Saturated Post-hoc Optimization in Classical Planning - Authors: Pierre Gaillard ; Fabio Patrizi ; Giuseppe Perelli
Title: Strategy Repair in Reachability Games - Authors: Oliver Fernandez Gil ; Fabio Patrizi ; Giuseppe Perelli ; Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Title: Optimal Alignment of Temporal Knowledge Bases - Author: Nic Wilson
Title: The Sensitivity of Max Regret With Respect to Scaling of the Objectives - Author: Nic Wilson
Title: Enforcing Natural Properties of Choice Functions, with Application for Combination - Authors: Andrea Balogh ; Guillaume Escamocher ; Barry O’Sullivan
Title: Partial Compilation of SAT using Selective Backbones - Authors: Oliver Fernández Gil; Fabio Patrizi; Giuseppe Perelli; Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Title: Optimal Alignment of Temporal Knowledge Bases - Authors: Kristýna Pantůčková; Roman Barták
Title: Using Earley Parser for Recognizing Totally Ordered Hierarchical Plans - Authors: Javier Segovia-Aguas, Jonathan Ferrer-Mestres, Sergio Jiménez
Title: Synthesis of Procedural Models for Deterministic Transition Systems - Authors: Behzad Mehrbakhsh; Fernando Martínez-Plumed; José Hernández-Orallo
Title: Adversarial Benchmark Evaluation Rectified by Controlling for Difficulty - Authors: Jakub Raczyński; Mateusz Lango; Jerzy Stefanowski
Title: The Problem of Coherence in Natural Language Explanations of Recommendations
Workshop papers
Workshop on Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop, ECAI’23
Authors: V. Dogan; S. D. Prestwich.
Title: Multi-objective Bilevel Decision Making with Noisy Objectives: A Batch Bayesian Approach.
Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems & Strategic Reasoning (LAMAS&SR’23), ECAI’23
Authors: Pierre Gaillard ; Fabio Patrizi ; Giuseppe Perelli
Title: Strategy Repair in Reachability Games
Workshop on Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop (MODeM’23), ECAI’23
Author: Nic Wilson (Invited speaker)
Workshop on Responsible Applied Artificial InTelligence (RAAIT)
Authors: Steven Vethman, Marianne Schaaphok, Marissa Hoekstra and Cor Veenman.
Title: Random Sample as a Pre-Pilot Evaluation of Benefits and Risks for AI in Public Sector
The AI4Europe Reproducibility Initiative
Barry O’Sullivan, Gabriel Gonzalez-Castane, Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz