The #WeAreTAILOR social media campaign and bi-monthly open meetings

The TAILOR project unites 54 organisations and probably more than 500 scientists. Do you know them all? Probably not! Consequently, in 2023, we organise two new initiatives which will allow you to get to know us better: the TAILOR Open meetings and the social media campaign #WeAreTAILOR.


The social media campaign #wearetailor was created to showcase our diversity and allow for everybody to connect on LinkedIn and Twitter. The principle is simple: each week, we present a TAILOR partner organisation and the organisation’s TAILOR scientists – at least the ones we’re aware of! Which leads us to some of the added benefits of this campaign: It’s not only a way to increase visibility of partners and scientists or a networking tool, it’s also a little help for the project management to keep the records updated.

As part of this campaign, we try to identify and use the social media handles of TAILOR scientists who are active on Twitter or LinkedIn. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the right users, especially on Twitter. If you’re a TAILOR scientist and you’d like us to add you handle, please don’t hesitate to send us the information or just adding it as a comment to the post.
In the future, anyone will be able to view a list on LinkedIn or Twitter containing the tags/social media handles of TAILOR partner organisations and scientists, by searching for the hash tag #wearetailor.

A note about the frequency: TAILOR has 54 partners but there are only 52 weeks in one year. Yet we have the ambition to present all partners in 2023! Most likely 4 partners will have to share “their” week.

TAILOR open meetings

A year ago, we launched the TAILOR open meetings as a tool for increased dissemination of work performed within the individual work packages. The meeting series has been very appreciated, so we have decided to double the frequency! In 2023, the meetings are bi-monthly, on the usual time slot (every second Tuesday, 9:00-10:00 CET). The invitation is sent to the TAILOR consortium and the network and can also be obtained upon request to project manager Trine Vikinge.

The TAILOR Open meetings are one-hour informal meetings intended to increase communication within the TAILOR network and beyond. The principle is 2-3 short presentations by a TAILOR co-worker, followed by discussions and questions. For this new edition, we have decided to promote TAILOR partner organisations, instead of WPs, to increase visibility of partners. The goal is to showcase not only the major partners but the whole TAILOR consortium. All partners are invited to present at least once, just contact Trine Vikinge to schedule a talk.

If possible, the open meetings will be coordinated with the social media campaign, i.e. organisations presented on social media will also be highlighted on the following open meetings.

The meetings are recorded and are available here: