Connectivity Fund

AI Safety Working group – European kickoff workshop

Xavier Fresquet Deputy Director, PhD at Sorbonne Université AI systems offer the potential for substantial benefits to society but they are not without risks, such as toxicity, misinformation, and bias. As with other complex technologies, society needs industry-standard safety testing to realize the benefits while minimizing the risks. To address this problem, an AI Safety […]

AI Safety Working group – European kickoff workshop Read More »

Building trust in administrative automation through the use of LLMs in the public sector of Sweden

Niclas Willem Fock CEO Santa Anna IT Research Insititute, Sweden (Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering) Introduction: Santa Anna IT Research Institute (“Santa Anna”) has through its membership in the consortium “AI Sweden” collaborated on the development of the GPT-SW3: LLMs. The GPT-SW3: models are since November 2023 open for further development, research and applications.

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Eindhoven- Leuven – Aachen AI Workshop Series on Secure, Reliable and Trustworthy AI

Alexa Kodde Project Manager at CLAIRE CLAIRE aims to provide organisational and logistical coordination and support, as well as promotion and visibility, for the planned AI Workshop Series on Secure, Reliable and Trustworthy AI, hosted by Eindhoven University of Technology, KU Leuven, and RWTH Aachen University. The overarching objective is to not only strengthen regional,

Eindhoven- Leuven – Aachen AI Workshop Series on Secure, Reliable and Trustworthy AI Read More »

Europe’s Moonshot Ambition in AI: Vision & Implementation

Alexa Kodde Project Manager at CLAIRE AI is the primary driver of scientific discoveries, industrial engineering, energy production, logistics, the creative economy, education, and public services. The vision for “AI Made in Europe” is more important than ever. But are we sure the vision has not become “AI Made Elsewhere”? Keywords: AI; moonshot; sovereignty Scientific

Europe’s Moonshot Ambition in AI: Vision & Implementation Read More »

An Adaptive Initial Design for Bayesian Optimization

Carolin Benjamins PhD at Leibniz University Hannover Our goal is to progress on Dynamic Algorithm Configuration (DAC) for Bayesian Optimization (BO). BO is a widely-used and sample-efficient framework for optimizing black-box problems, which are often expensive to evaluate. Dynamically configuring BO enables to adapt to the optimization progress and to any problem landscape without prior

An Adaptive Initial Design for Bayesian Optimization Read More »

Leveraging Social Agents as Mediators to Foster Trust and Comprehension of Affective Engagement with Digital Content

Sergio Muñoz Assistant Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid The vast and ever-expanding digital landscape presents significant challenges for users striving to navigate and discern accurate information. This challenge is compounded by the dynamic nature of the Internet, characterized by attention-seeking strategies intended to exploit users’ unconscious emotional responses. This affects the credibility of information

Leveraging Social Agents as Mediators to Foster Trust and Comprehension of Affective Engagement with Digital Content Read More »

Improving Multi-Task Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Methods

Róbert Belanec PhD at Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies The trustworthiness of the generative AI models is an important topic, especially with the increase in popularity of generative large language models. In recent years, the transformer architecture has become popular in the field of natural language processing. However, the increase in parameters is reducing the

Improving Multi-Task Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Methods Read More »

Explainable Semi-Supervised Fuzzy C-Means

Kamil Kmita Research Assistant at Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences Semi-Supervised Fuzzy C-Means (SSFCMeans) model adapts an unsupervised fuzzy clustering algorithm to handle partial supervision in the form of categorical labels. One of the key challenges is to appropriately handle the impact of partial supervision (IPS) on the outcomes of the model. SSFCMeans

Explainable Semi-Supervised Fuzzy C-Means Read More »

The First Workshop on Hybrid Human-Machine Learning and Decision Making

Andrea Passerini Associate professor at University of Trento In the past, machine learning and decision-making have been treated as independent research areas. However, with the increasing emphasis on human-centered AI, there has been a growing interest in combining these two areas. Researchers have explored approaches that aim to complement human decision-making rather than replace it,

The First Workshop on Hybrid Human-Machine Learning and Decision Making Read More »

AI for PeopleInternational Conference “AI for People: Democratizing AI”AI for People

AI for People International nonprofit organization The International Conference “AI for People” was born out of the idea of shaping Artificial Intelligence technology around human and societal needs. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a beneficial tool, its development and its deployment impact society and the environment in ways that need to be thoroughly addressed

AI for PeopleInternational Conference “AI for People: Democratizing AI”AI for People Read More »