CLAIRE | Rising Research Network: AI Research and Mental Well-Being Workshop 2nd edition

Marie Anastacio

PhD candidate at Leiden University, RWTH Aachen

After the successful execution of our 2023 workshop in collaboration with the TAILOR-ESSAI Summer School, we propose to organise a second edition at ESSAI2024. The event will focus on fostering a community of young AI researchers in Europe, supporting AI researchers and promoting mental well-being for Ph.D. students. Building on the positive feedback and suggestions received last year, this year will feature a two part interactive session with presentations and discussions, as well as provide networking opportunities for participants.

Keywords: AI Research, Collaboration, Networking, Industry, Ph.D. Life, Mental Well-Being

Scientific area: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Bio: Marie Anastacio is a finishing PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Holger Hoos on automated algorithm configuration at Leiden University (The Netherlands), now working as a researcher at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). Besides research, she emphasises improving the inner dynamics of her community and the outreach toward future researchers.

Visiting period: July 14th, 2024 at European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence 2024