TAILOR researchers from Linköping University strike at the 10th International Planning Competition

In July, the ICAPS conference hosted the 10th International Planning Competition (https://ipc2023.github.io/) in Prague.

It empirically evaluates state-of-the-art planning systems on a number of benchmark problems. The goals of the IPC are to promote planning research, highlight challenges in the planning community and provide new and interesting problems as benchmarks for future research.

The competition is highly competitive with over 30 participating teams from many different countries. TAILOR researchers from the “Representation, Learning and Planning” lab at Linköping University (Dominik DrexlerDaniel GnadPaul HöftJendrik SeippDavid SpeckSimon Ståhlberg) participated in four tracks of the competition and won all four of them!

Congratulations to this talented group of TAILOR researchers!